Print a list of controlled vocabulary terms
get_cv_terms(cvtype = c("units", "variablename", "samplingfeaturetype", "medium", "methodtype", "actiontype", "annotationtype", "relationshiptype", "censorcode", "dataqualitytype", "datasettype", "directivetype", "elevationdatum", "equipmenttype", "organizationtype", "aggregationstatistic", "propertydatatype", "qualitycode", "resulttype", "samplingfeaturegeotype", "sitetype", "spatialoffsettype", "speciation", "specimentype", "status", "taxonomicclassifiertype", "unitstype", "variabletype"), quietly = FALSE)
cvtype | the name of the controlled vocab eg. "resulttype" or "methodtype" |
quietly | whether to print in console or not |
a vector of the Names column from the controlled vocab table
This function returns a character vector of terms from a selected controlled vocabularly and, optionally, prints those names in the R console. Controlled vocabularies are hosted at as well as pre-populated in the database template in rodm2. This function relies on the CV terms in the pre-populated ODM2 database template.
get_cv_terms("resulttype")#> resulttype controlled vocabulary terms: "Category observation", "Count observation", "Measurement", "Point coverage", "Profile coverage", "Section coverage", "Spectra coverage", "Temporal observation", "Time series coverage", "Trajectory coverage", "Transect coverage", "Truth observation"#>resultterms <- get_cv_terms("resulttype")#> resulttype controlled vocabulary terms: "Category observation", "Count observation", "Measurement", "Point coverage", "Profile coverage", "Section coverage", "Spectra coverage", "Temporal observation", "Time series coverage", "Trajectory coverage", "Transect coverage", "Truth observation"#>